Orc Longarm

Sex Male
Level 38
Vocation Miner
Last Login 24 May 2024 (00:52)
Status offline
Created 19 May 2024 (18:42)
Death List
23 May 2024 (18:33) Killed at level 39 by pirate ravager (soloed)
21 May 2024 (04:26) Killed at level 21 by Maniac (unjustified)
and by Death.
19 May 2024 (19:10) Killed at level 6 by Captain training drone (soloed)
  • Other visible characters on this account:
    Name: Level: Vocation: Last login: Status:
    Orc Longlegs 14 Merchant 24 May 2024 (01:44) offline
  • Aux P-P P-E P-L Kin Def Hrv CLv
    10 10 10 10 10 10 10 8
    Hull: 465/465
    Energy: 530/530
    Experience: 831 093
    Next Lvl: Needs 16 307 experience (0%) to Level 39.

    Address: starborn.app/Orc Longarm